Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thanks for the Memories...

Well, I have to say that going to my Aunt's house is probably one of the best things ever (besides pigging out on pizza, fries, chips and chocolate chip cookies... which happens there too!). Not only did my Mom go to Cincinnati for the weekend with her husband, but my Dad told me I wasn't allowed to come to his house... here comes my aunt to the rescue! Thanks, Ruthie :). Sometimes, I really don't know what's wrong with parents today. No matter how much I love my aunt and how grateful I am for her & all she's done, my Mom & Dad is really who I want sometimes. My Dad, of course, didn't want me to come over because I might ruin his birthday weekend... hello? I though your kids were supposed to be apart of your birthday in someway... I didn't even get to see my dad on his birthday, or talk to him on it! Thanks a heap Dad. Also, I love going to Cincinnati. I like the hustle and bustle. I like going away for a weekend too... so, thank you Mom, for remembering I like weekend get-a-ways too. This whole paragraph may seem like one, big, giant complaint to you, but it's not. I'm actually thanking my Aunt a million times for making room in her schedule to get me. I'm thanking her a million more times for giving me a great weekend, and for all the memories I'm taking home with me. I'm so lucky to have an Aunt like her, I'm sure there are very few to come across in this world.

Jessica ♥


  1. Tell me about it!

  2. Awwwww....thank you Jessie. I love you so much and you are welcome here anytime. And, I mean that. Well, unless you are sick. LOL
